The tummy tuck is one of the most popular procedures performed at Columbus Jain Plastic Surgery. Dr. Jain explains the procedure, who is a suitable candidate, the risks, and recovery process. His sophisticated techniques keep visible scarring to an absolute minimum.
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Cosmetic surgery has become very popular.
One of the most common procedures that we do here
is what is referred to as a tummy tuck.
We call it an abdominoplasty or a torsoplasty,
addressing everything around the torso,
whether that involves a combination of liposuction in the love handles
and removing a little extra tummy skin and a little extra tummy fat.
It is a full operation that carries risks associated
with any other surgical procedure and anesthetic.
When the patient comes in for an abdominoplasty consultation,
we'll have a good assessment of the laxity of the tissue,
the amount of adipose,
the amount of fat that needs to be addressed,
the stretch marks that need to be addressed,
any separation of the muscles from pregnancy that need to be addressed.
Who is a good candidate for a tummy tuck?
I think that begins with,
who are the best candidates for anesthesia?
The way to answer that question is,
how do we take the anesthesia risks and surgery risks
and minimize those?
The biggest risk, I think, that we have in our abdominoplasty population
is a high BMI.
If patients can have their body mass index or their weight-to-height ratio in check
before they come in for a consultation, or certainly before surgery time,
then that's going to help set up for a really good result thereafter.
We always recommend
that the patients get fully educated on the process,
fully educated on the risks involved with the operation.
Part of that should include a consultation with another plastic surgeon.
The more educated a patient can be about their operation
and the potential outcomes, the better.
We have a website that has results that have been created here.
They're not borrowed results.
They're not made up results.
They're actual patient results.
I think that's a good place to start.
Patients can often find someone that has similar physique or body type
and can see what the result looks like.
It's very difficult to simulate procedures, simulate outcomes,
and one good way that we have
is to stand in front of a mirror with the patient
and pinch here and pinch there, and be sure that we get on the same page
as to what the result might look like.
Tummy tuck operations are one of the biggest recovery operations
that we have,
and that recovery really comes from putting the muscles back together
that were separated from, say, pregnancy
or in patients that have had massive weight loss
and may have been separated from when they were bigger.
So that is really the number one cause
of the lengthy recovery, which is about two weeks.
We do everything that we can to enhance the recovery,
whether it be from manipulation of the post-operative pain medications.
We do have an enhanced recovery protocol in which we try to minimize narcotics
and thus minimize the side effects of the narcotics as well.
All of that helps with the recovery process.