Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
If you are unsatisfied with the results of shaving, waxing, or tweezing or are simply tired of regular upkeep, you may want to consider undergoing laser hair removal at our Columbus, GA, plastic surgery center. This alternative allows patients to eliminate unwanted hair more comfortably and with longer-lasting results.
Since 1998, Columbus Plastic Surgery has built a reputation for being a low-pressure environment. Our RNs, LPNs and LDNs are trained to talk in-depth with patients about specific procedures so that you can make an informed decision on your own time.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
Patients who undergo laser hair removal at our Columbus plastic surgery center can benefit from the removal of unwanted hair from their face, chin, leg, back, arm, underarm, bikini line, and other parts of the body. Other advantages include:
- Precision: Our advanced lasers selectively target coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin untouched.
- Efficiency: Each laser pulse can hit many hairs in a fraction of a second. Small treatment areas, like the upper lip, can be treated in under one minute while an entire leg may take up to an hour.
- Reduced hair growth: Even after only a few treatments, most patients notice that their hair grows at a slower rate. This can reduce the amount of time needed daily to maintain hair growth.
- Reliable results: While laser hair removal cannot permanently get rid of hair, patients experience a significant decrease in growth after three to six treatments.
Patients who undergo laser hair removal of another cosmetic treatment at Columbus Plastic Surgery can benefit from our decades of experience and caring medical team.
What Are the Risks Associated with this Procedure?
Complications are very rare, but some patients may experience certain minor side effects that can include:
- Mild swelling near hair follicles
- Temporary change in pigment color
- Skin redness
- Changes in skin texture
- Temporary blistering
During your consultation at our Columbus plastic surgery center, one of our doctors will explain the risks associated with this popular cosmetic treatment. For examples, certain patients may be resistant to the treatment and may find that returning hairs are finer and lighter in color. Furthermore, patients with darker skin should be treated with special care. We also ask that you refrain from tanning or using tanning products in the weeks leading up to laser hair removal.
A Look at the Procedure
How to Prepare
You will need to refrain from waxing, plucking, or electrolysis for several weeks before treatment. This precaution ensures that the hairs’ roots are present during laser hair removal. Patients should also avoid tanning and sun exposure for six weeks before and after treatment. Sun exposure lowers the effectiveness of laser hair removal and can lead to complications.
What to Expect during Laser Hair Removal
Before the procedure begins, your hair will be trimmed to a height of a few millimeters above the skin surface. A topical numbing medicine may be applied to take the edge off the the minor sting of the laser pulses. Then, the advanced laser equipment will be adjusted to account for the color, location, and thickness of the hair and skin being treated. One of our doctors or a qualified licensed laser technician of our team will then use a beam of focused laser light to disable unwanted hair follicles.
Most patients describe the discomfort as minor and short-lasting. It may take three to four treatments to deliver the results you are seeking.
Schedule Your Laser Hair Removal Today
Laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to eliminate unwanted hair. To make this treatment more accessible, our office gladly accepts CareCredit, Prosper, and United Medical financing. To schedule your laser hair removal consultation, please contact our office online or call (706) 322-9313.